Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What is the best SCENAR device?

We frequently get asked “what is the best SCENAR device?

It you are asking this question you are intrigued and interested in the technology and see where it could help you solve problems.  There are a few variables we look at when determining the answer and yet the primary one is “who is the person asking the question, what is their background? In broad strokes, are they a medical or non-medical person?”

The SCENAR can be used effectively by both of course. Some devices are more suitable for a medical professional with diagnostic/assessment modes and manual override modes. Other models are almost fully automatic so that almost anyone could figure out how to use it.

As has happened with other technologies, as you search for SCENAR in the digital online world you will see that there are original devices from the inventors and the companies they are connected with and there are reversed engineered or copy-cat products. Thus there is a lot of competition, confusion and “energy” in the online forums.

As well, as a practitioner or lay person in the United States it must matter to you if a device is registered here and if it has regulatory clearance.  For example, a practitioner can not use the COSMODIC device on their patients here in the U.S. as it is not registered in Russia or America.

Given it is difficult to tell whether the reverse-engineered devices really deliver at the same level as the “original” ones we stick to the original. It delivers. 

Peter Lathrop, Ph.D, our expert, has been in the field of electromedicine and its evolution into regenerative electromedicine since 1979. With his Ph.D in neurophysiology as well as his post doctorates he helped develop the first commercial TENS unit at Medtronic, Inc. in 1979. He moved on to evolve the field of electrical stimulation and laser with other innovators with accelerating the body’s self-healing mechanisms in mind. He didn’t ever “knock something off.”

The original SCENAR devices and treatment protocols were invented and designed by Professor Alexander. Revenko and Dr. Alexander Karasev and were produced by ZAO OKB RITM. Today Prof. Revenko is associated still with ZAO OKB RITM and Dr. Karasev with LET Medical.   LET Medical has introduced COSMODIC as a technology of “restoration” after if to imply it is superior to other devices in this way.  This is just marketing.  There have been no studies complete.  And in fact, in our experience, especially with conditions like spinal cord injury, the RITM SCENAR assists the body in its self-healing/self-repair "restoration" very well. 

So for this time we use the RITM SCENAR series.  As innovators ourselves we remain open.  We know the results though we get with RITM SCENAR.  They far surpass what any type of pain management, pain treatment, physical therapy provider offers. We prevent surgery time and again because of how it helps the body's self repair mechanisms kick in.  And of course the results we get with RITM SCENAR do so much more than any "pain pill."  That goes without saying.  And if $$ is an issue for you we find most people tell us RITM SCENAR is more affordable.

In terms of which model device in a series or line to use let’s talk. It is easy to answer that question.

Monday, August 18, 2014

RITM SCENAR activates self-healing resources

So many people have a “map” or existing wiring in their brain for “electrical stimulation” that as soon as they hear SCENAR is in the electrical stimulation category they believe they know what it is and they switch off their curiosity and openness to see what’s new.

We encourage you to set aside what you believe you know for just a while to discover why SCENAR is nothing like anything you have experienced in rehabilitation or physical therapy e-stim therapy.

What’s the bottom line distinction?

Most electrical stimulation devices operate in a “one way street” fashion – i.e. sending signals into the body.

In contrast, RITM SCENAR activates the self-healing resources of the human body through the biofeedback “dialogue” it has with the body. It generates every new stimulating pulse it delivers according to the body’s response to the previous one.

SCENAR is a two way street technology.

In doing its job, RITM SCENAR technology relies on the body’s mechanism of adaptation that ensures homeostasis, or a stable internal environment in the body.

Before you can understand the technology you need to remember a few basics about you as an organism. You know that all your body’s organs and systems are a single whole – right? No organ or system is acting alone. And that your skin developed from the same embryological layer as your nervous system. (Some of you might need to go back to high school biology or science to re-connect to that fact. Hey, that’s ok. When did you ever think you were going to use it – right?)

The skin remains linked throughout life to the nervous system. Your nervous system, both the central (your brain and spinal cord) and peripheral components direct the show.

So when the RITM SCENAR is placed directly on the skin with its own electrode or through lead wires and electrodes (pads) and nerve endings within the skin are stimulated at particular points processes are affected throughout the body.

As well, stimulating active points on the skin with electric impulses that follow the pattern of your nervous system are believed to stimulate and optimize the regulatory functions of the nervous system. This aids in the body’s self-repair program and restoration of health. This is why RITM SCENAR devices are called energy-neuro-adaptive regulators of the body’s systems.  

The current thinking on SCENAR

  • When placed on the body the SCENAR detects areas of inflammation and areas of adaptation and degeneration.  
  • It delivers through the skin biocompatible energy to provide the energy resources the body needs to initiate and manage repair.
  • Through its signaling it is thought that it reconnects the brain to the injury so nutrients and healing can be directed to the area.
  • It reverses the polarity of adapted injured tissue from negative to positive so resources for cellular repair are attracted and the electropositive current of injury is restored.
  • It provides signals that stimulate the release of neuropeptides from the pharmacy of chemicals in your body to augment the ingredients needed for cellular repair.
  • It provides a sequenced series of nerve-like impulses that alternate with pauses to prevent habituation to the signals. It dynamically changes the signal characteristics in accordance with the feedback received from the body.

As a result, healing is accelerated, pain is reduced or eliminated and injuries are repaired.

Bottom line, RITM SCENAR is an advanced form of regenerative electrotherapy functioning on two physiological principles:
  • that your body has its own healing capabilities and,
  • that it is continually employing processes of self-regulation to maintain or achieve health.

For more information about the RITM SCENAR visit www.askascenarexpert.com or complete our contact form to set up a conversation.

Our mission is to accelerate the rate of your healing from pain and soft tissue injury
