Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Keep safety in mind playing summer sports

Summer generally means more time being outdoors, and playing sports outdoors.  Many people we know are also gearing up for fall races.  With all the increased activity comes an increased risk for injury.  Many sports injuries are from overuse or acute trauma.

You are probably already seeing it - people around you with some of the common summer sports injuries:

  • runner's knee
  • tennis elbow
  • tendonitis
  • neck and shoulder pain
  • back injuries
  • rolled ankles

BE PROACTIVE!  Take time to take care and be safe.  You only have one body, treat it with care.  Here are the tips you know and yet might just need to see again:
  •  Warm my your body and as a part of that learn the best ways to warm up for your particular sport, it isn't a one size fits all!
  • Get the proper equipment, and especially shoes for your sport and level of activity
  • Know your limits and mind them
  • Hydrate!  Drink plenty of water.  Your tissues should be like a full sponge and not a dried out one on the kitchen sink
  • Allow your body time to recover after activity
  • Seek expert attention when needed
HOME SCENAR DEVICES:  In addition, a number of our clients have the RITM SCENAR Sport D at home and use it regularly as a part of being active.  Ask us if you are interested in learning more.  619-501-3752.  Ask for Kay or Jack.

Watch and share this brief video where Julie shares what she is now able to do because of SCENAR (things she couldn't 3 years ago!).  This could be just the solution you or someone you love needs.

EnJOY these beautiful summer days!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Layers of injury start to go away with use of RITM SCENAR Sport D

Time and again we have clients like Julie Kidder tell us about how consistent use of their RITM SCENAR Sport D at home reduces their pain, and improves their mobility and life.  Listen as she shares about how the "layers of her injury" have gone away and what she was able to do for the first time in three years while she was in Boston recently!  Thank you Julie for sharing your story!