Wednesday, October 1, 2014

You can heal FASTER after injury...with today's advances

Don't worry.  I can make it simple.

Stick with me because to help yourself get better it can be useful to have a basic understanding of how your body's tissue responds to a trauma or injury.  Don't worry.  it is simple to understand.  Really.  Even with a Ph.D I can make it simple.  When you GET this information you can easily see how or why we suggest what we do to treat yourself after an injury.  The old ways of treating are antiquated.  Come into 2014!

How your body responds to trauma

Did you know your body responds to trauma to the tissue in three different distinct phases?  You may not have.  If you want to heal faster you want to know.  The three phases are:

1.     the acute inflammatory phase which is 0 to 7 days after you get injured,
2.     the proliferative phase which is the next 7 to 21 days after your injury and then,
3.     the maturation and remodeling phase (21 days and thereafter).

You don't have to remember the names of the phases!  Remember there are THREE and the general time frames.  It is what you do in these phases that matters, especially the first.

Know this, the early and immediate management of soft tissue injuries (muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves) can be either extremely effective at reducing or minimizing the injury OR, if inappropriately applied, may be damaging.  

Immediate and early management is key

The most important things to remember are the aims of immediate and early management of soft tissue injury - starting with the first minutes and throughout the first 3 day. You want to:
  • reduce the local temperature of the tissue
  • reduce pain
  • limit and reduce the swelling and inflammation (i.e. blowing up like a balloon or baseball)
  • reduce energy demands of the tissues
  • product the damaged tissue from further injury
  • protect the initial, newly-formed tissue healing from disruption
  • promote collagen fiber growth and realignment
  • maintain general levels of cardio-breathing and musculoskeletal fitness/activity

Shorten the recovery time dramatically with new techniques

It is SO important to treat IMMEDIATELY after an injury.  You can completely ALTER the course of the injury and how it heals when you do!  So many times people come to us a week or more after an injury having done little but throw on a little ice or saying "I tried to stay off it."  The whole first PHASE has passed by!

So much could have been done in that first 0-7 day window to alter the course of the injury - minimizing it's "growth" and accelerating its healing.  Don't wait.  Don't think "I can handle it.  The pain's not so bad.  I will just stay off of it.  It will be OK."   This is the WRONG thing to do.

Your injury will last days or weeks LONGER than if you treated it properly yourself right away or received treatment with our inexpensive advanced technologies immediately.

Remember, there are new things out here to help you.  Technology is advancing everywhere.  It's not just the world of smartphones, tablets and computers.  It is in medicine too.

In my next post I will share tips with  you to accomplish faster healing for yourself with minor injuries.   Until then have fun out there, take reasonable precautions to prevent yourself from being injured and apply immediate help if you do.  Call us for a free consultation.  Let us connect you to an expert in your area.  The faster the better is what's key!


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