Thursday, October 29, 2015

Can SCENAR Be Used for Headaches & Migraines?

Can SCENAR be used for headaches and migraines?  The immediate answer is "yes!"  It is a very effective pain relief technology and it is FDA cleared for pain treatment.   Why would you see if it reduces or eliminates your headaches and migraines?  Keep reading!

I wouldn't trade places with anyone who has chronic headaches or migraines and I FEEL for you and just want to take away the pain.  After recently seeing another young girl truly suffering with migraines I feel compelled to write this.  This is often how a blog post comes to be.  Seeing someone in pain have their life changed with SCENAR vs drugs.

It is appalling that over 30% of people have missed one or more days of work or school in the past 3 months due to migraines and that 24% have had to go to the ER with a severe migraine.*

We know they are difficult to medically manage and that is what we see as a big part of the problem - the medical management, namely drugs.  

Migraine Triggers

From most of the migraine and headache sufferers we meet it is clear that identifying the underlying cause and/or trigger and then ameliorating it doesn't happen consistently.  There seems to be a easy reach for a prescription pad in our society. 

Some of the top triggers are:
  • Stress
  • Overuse of pain meds (analgesics)
  • Disturbances in sleep
  • Food additives
  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Perfume
  • Changes in weather
  • Bright lights
  • Dehydration
  • Too much caffeine
Isn't it interesting that "over use" of pain meds can actually lead to chronic migraines?   It isn't really clear why over use leads to more pain or makes symptoms worse but it is clear that analgesic rebound headaches need to be addressed.

Our first recommendation

Each person really needs to have their life fully reviewed and triggers like the ones above and others removed.  This takes far more time than the average doctor is allotted for seeing patients.  And it is so important!

Now, Let's Look at Drug Side Effects

In addition to the fact that overuse of pain meds can lead to more pain, one must also be aware of drug side effects.  The most common drugs prescribed for headaches and migraines are the NSAIDS and triptans.   Current over-the-counter NSAIDS include:

  • Aspirin compounds (such as Anacin®, Ascriptin®, Bayer®, Bufferin® and Excedrin®)
  • Ketoprofen (such as Orudis KT®)
  • Ibuprofen (such as Motrin®, Advil®, Nuprin® and Medipren®)
  • Naproxen sodium (such as Aleve®) 

PLEASE NOTE:  Over-the-counter NSAIDs are effective pain-relievers, but they are MEANT for short-term use. When taking them for long periods of time, you should be carefully monitored by your doctor so he or she can detect the coming on of harmful side effects and modify your treatment plan as necessary.

The Cleveland Clinic also has an additional TWENTY prescription level NSAIDS on their list here.  

So what are they side effects? The most frequently reported side effects GI symptoms, like:
  • Gas and bloating
  • Heartburn and/or stomach pain
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Diarrhea and/or constipation
These side effects can usually be be relieved by taking ANOTHER DRUG!   Don't you hate when they tell you that?  Take this....and if this happens take this.....and if this happens....take THIS!

OK, some other side effects of NSAIDs include:
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Problems with balance
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Mild headaches

OK, then there are the triptans.  

Triptans are serotonin receptor agonists.  Brand names like Axert, Frova, Maxalt, Imitrex,  Alsuma, and Zomig.  It isn't clear how they stop a migraine.  They do constrict blood vessels in the brain and relieve swelling.  They can be useful and effective.  And, do you really want to manage your life around drugs?

Given we regularly use the SCENAR, which doesn't have a side effect profile like drugs, this list of side effects and contraindications for the triptans concerns me.

So, what are we saying?

  • Figure out and know your triggers, then eliminate them.  
  • We have a number of times needed to recommend some neuro-psychology techniques and processes in order to help manage, reduce and eliminate certain triggers.  Be open.
  • A recent study by the New York Headache Center suggests that a magnesium deficiency may contribute to or cause migraines.  In trials, sufferers responded to a daily dose of 400 t o 600 milligrams of magnesium.  Consider this - try it.
  • Don't take drugs long term given their side effect profile and that they aren't taking care of the underlying cause long-term.
  • Learn about SCENAR medical technology.  Have a diagnostic assessment.  Under the guidance of an experienced SCENAR therapist have a series of SCENAR sessions and evaluate the results.  SCENAR is FDA cleared for pain treatment.  Don't you owe it to yourself?  
    • Given SCENAR is an active biofeedback device and how it physiologically affects the body it is aligned with biofeedback which the American Medical Association has "approved" for headaches as biofeedback helps control the functions of the central and autonomic nervous system. 
Here's to seeking and achieving pain relief!
Pain Treatment Consultant

*Chris Iliades, MD Brigham Young University, The Migraine Study II

Friday, October 16, 2015

When Your Pet is Hurt SCENAR Can Help

It is not always so easy to tell when your furry kids are in pain, is it?  Of course, like we humans, they may really let out a yelp or be more vocal with whining, growling or other sounds. And, if they are really more vocal than normal you know something is quite wrong.  There are also other obvious as well as more subtle signs that tell you something may be wrong even if they aren't "telling you so."

Today's post (October 16, 2015) is about our two dogs, Darcy and Hunter, and two different signs of pain - a fresh injury and a chronic issue.  It is also about what we are doing to make them both better with our RITM SCENAR.  At the bottom you will find an update from October 21, 2015!

Let's start with Darcy.  We aren't absolutely sure what happened because we didn't witness it and yet we think we have a good idea. It all started when we heard her let out a blood curdling scream/whine in the bedroom upstairs and do it again as she came down the stairs. We suspected she misjudged her jump off the bed and landed wrong.  It was clear that walking was VERY painful as the sounds she was making were painful to hear.  She would especially yelp/cry loudly every time she had to stand up...the act of pushing up was painful.  Once she was up she could walk though she wanted to avoid stairs.

Thankfully we have a Pro Plus SCENAR device. 

We immediately used it to identify the areas of tissue damage (the device has an assessment mode to get initial response numbers). Using a "comb" probe with teeth, which gets through the hair to the hide, we could measure and find the area of greatest injury and irritation.  The SCENAR told us specifically where the problems were!

We then treated.  We have done this three times per day for the past two and a half days and will continue till she is healed.  The measurement numbers were highest right in the hind leg joints and the numbers are going down!  As well, she now stands up without crying or sign of pain.  She is still hesitant with a deeper stair but small/short ones are ok.  She is progressing!

Now if this was not improving we have an ace up our sleeve!  We have trained a wonderful veterinary physician in the use of SCENAR and she has fully adopted it into her vet hospital.  If needed we would take Darcy right down to see Dr. Jacque McAndrew at South San Diego Vet Hospital.

Thank you for SCENAR in our house!

OK, so Darcy's injury is fresh.  Hunter, on the other hand, has been giving us signs of a more chronic pain issue in his hips.

What are the signs to notice that tell you your furry kid may be in pain or uncomfortable?
  1. Constant or excessive grooming in a particular area.  For Hunter it has become the right back hip area.
  2. Changes in their sleep, difficulty resting, lack of appetite or not eating, and less drinking.  No change here for Hunter - he is the first to always clean his plate and ask for more!
  3. Withdrawing or seeking affection.  Here is where there has been a big change for Hunter.  We now find him out by the side of the house in the alley for hours on end. And, he is backing up for "butt rubs" more often - more aggressively.
  4. Aggressive behavior
  5. Other general behavior changes - ask yourself "what's changed?"
Once we became really aware of these changes happening we took to finding the issues and treating Hunter with the Pro Plus RITM SCENAR.  It is such a great "go to tool" to have in your home.

Peter always says "biology is biology" and whether the pain is in a human or animal - it can be identified and resolved.  Ask us about owning a SCENAR for your pets today!  Call 619-501-3752.

UPDATE on October 21, 2015.

Today we are delighted to report that with twice daily home SCENAR treatments Darcy has progressed significantly.  The numbers are lowering and more importantly - when we went looking for her this morning DOWNSTAIRS (because she hasn't climbed the stairs in a week) she popped her head around the corner at the TOP of the stairs and came running down!  All without a peep!  Yes, she climbed this full set of stairs during the night and came back down this morning.  We are happy parents!

Ask us about SCENAR for your household.  Get a free demonstration on you or your pet by calling 619-501-3752 and referencing "Darcy"....we will come to you if you are in San Diego County.

Friday, September 25, 2015

RITM SCENAR Helps With Fall Sports Injuries

What's your favorite fall sport?  What about your children?  Soccer, tennis, volleyball, wrestling, football, swimming, hiking or cross country running?  Regardless of what it is we know you all want to stay in the game through the full season!

To do that we encourage you to take the time to refresh yourselves on injury prevention tips and tools and start learning for the first time if you have young kids new to leagues.  You also want to consider having a SCENAR in your home to treat issues as they arise instead of reaching for ibuprofen, Tylenol or other over the counter pain-killers and anti-inflammatories with their host of side effects.

Whether you are the athlete, parent or coach you want to make safety and optimal health your first priority!

 If you are wearing your parent or coach hat - keep these things in mind:

  • Have your kids get in for their pre-participation physical exam if they haven't yet done so
  • Instill in them the mindset that "warming up properly" before practice as well as the game will serve them well
  • Make sure to cool down and take breaks if you are in climates like we are here in San Diego, CA and Southern CA - as it is still HOT and HUMID deep into September!
  • Have your kids hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!  No sodas or sugary juices - plenty of water!
  • Teach your kids how to become mindful of their body  - it's simple really.  Have them close their eyes. Ask them to reflect on where their feet are, their legs are, their arms are, their head etc.  Ask them to notice what they feel.  Have them describe what they feel.  This kind of body awareness relies on receptors in their joints, muscles, ligaments and other soft tissue.  We aren't aware of our body unless we actively think about it.  You want them to tell you if they have headaches, pain, weakness, stiffness etc., all warning signs of injury.
  • Have them wear recommended protective gear
  • Be mindful of  fresh and "overuse" injuries and use your home unit SCENAR to reduce pain and inflammation in the soft tissue.  Be consistent. 
If you are the adult athlete you know that SPEED and DIRECT CONTACT are the two most common causes of injury. Some of the common fall injuries are:

  • Traumatic injuries to knee ligaments or the shoulder joint
  • Overuse injury to the back
  • Concussions.
  • Heat injuries are issue an issue here in SoCal
If a fresh or chronic injury is impeding play in your household or on your team call us.  Learn more the RITM SCENAR can get you back in the game.  Ph. 619-501-3752.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

SCENAR Made the Difference - More Than Just Pain Relief Says Client

Keith Cammell found Peter Lathrop and the RITM SCENAR in 2012, years after his horrific motorcycle accident on the LA freeway in 2007. 

By the time he did, he was in a wheelchair most of the time or "crutching it" to get around.  See pictures below.  He had no nerve signal down the major nerve in his left leg, atrophied muscles, paralysis and significant pain.

He was told by others "there is nothing we can do" (to help you) and his family was encouraging him to go back to school and get on with his life.  

He continued to look for answers and found them with Peter Lathrop and the RITMSCENAR.  He recently recorded a short video of what happened next.  Take a look.  

Please note that the RITM SCENAR is a Class II medical device and is cleared by the FDA for the relief and management of chronic and acute pain and the management of post-surgical and post-traumatic pain.

Here are a couple of pictures of Keith before the healing journey:

Monday, August 3, 2015

35 Reasons to Try SCENAR for Pain Relief This Summer

  1. You were told your painful injury/condition is permanent or won't get better!
  2. THEY say it's "chronic pain" and "live with it"
  3. You've tried standard "pain management" and it isn't working for you
  4. Same old, same old doesn't work for you.  YOU search for new solutions
  5. SCENAR activates your body's known pain relieving, self repair mechanisms
  6.  You consistently take drugs to make or dull your pain
  7. Your pain/pain meds are affecting your concentration, memory, and critical thinking abilities
  8. Pain meds may be causing or contributing to constipation, sleep-disorder breathing, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysregulation, and overdose (1)
  9. Chronic pain has damaging efffects on the brain (2)
  10. Use of SCENAR may likely reduce or eliminate your need for pain meds
  11. SCENAR has no side effects and is non-addictive
  12. SCENAR has been show to be more effective than pain meds in back pain multicenter study (3)
  13. SCENAR gets at the underlying cause of the pain unlike pain meds or TENS
  14. Pain lowers your motivation to move and exercise
  15. Your injury is not healing "fast enough" for you, YOU want back in the game!
  16. Pain has caused you to lose physical functions, athletic abilities, your favorite hobbies
  17. You like to take action to achieve the results you desire!
  18. You can see a practitioner for SCNENAR sessions to accelerate relief or learn to use SCENAR at home like Julie and many others do
  19. SCENAR is small and portable - it fits in a purse, briefcase, tennis bag, gym bag, golf bag, any sports bag
  20. Pain is affecting your significant other relationship
  21. Pain is EXHAUSTING and robbing you of a good sleep, sex and intimacy
  22. Pain is affecting your connection to your kids (you know it is - no denying!)
  23. You WON'T let this problem get in the way of your relationships
  24. You are one who is on the lookout for new concepts and solutions
  25. One SCENAR can treat the whole family - it isn't person specific
  26. Pain is causing more frustration, anger, anxiety and depression in your life
  27. Pain is driving you into social isolation and feeling lonely
  28. You DESERVE a happy, pain free life!
  29. Pain RELIEF gets you back on the path to active life
  30. Pain is affecting your work performance, your productivity, your career
  31. SCENAR's biofeedback relates to the communications systems in your body:  your brain, nervous system, hormonal system, skin and meridians and makes the work together better
  32. Pain relief comes with SCENAR therapy as it stimulates the body's own "internal pharmacy"
  33. SCENAR is cost effective - no ongoing prescription costs or monthly fees
  34. SCENAR helps pain associated with most conditions like:  Back Pain, Arthritis, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Herniated/Bulging Discs, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Musculoskeletal/Soft Tissue Pain, Joint (shoulder, hip, knee, ankle) Pain, Neck Pain, Neuropathy, Sciatica, Spinal Cord Injury, TMJ, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Whiplash
  35. SCENAR relieves post-surgical pain without drugs
  36. BONUS REASON:  Pain keeps you from playing on the beach and in the waves with us! 

(1)  Baldini A, Von Korff M, Lin EHB. A Review of Potential Adverse Effects of Long-Term Opioid Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide. The Primary Care Companion to CNS Disorders. 2012;14(3):PCC.11m01326. doi:10.4088/PCC.11m01326.
(2)  Northwestern University. (2008, February 6). Chronic Pain Harms The Brain. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 3, 2015 from
(3) Back Pain and SCENAR – Prehospital Pain Relief.  Multicenter Comparative Study.  A.V. Tarakanov, A.A. Tarakanov. A. A. Yakushev, I.D. Hatisova.  Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don, State Healthcare Institution ‘City hospital № 21’, Saint-Petersburg.  2011.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Keep safety in mind playing summer sports

Summer generally means more time being outdoors, and playing sports outdoors.  Many people we know are also gearing up for fall races.  With all the increased activity comes an increased risk for injury.  Many sports injuries are from overuse or acute trauma.

You are probably already seeing it - people around you with some of the common summer sports injuries:

  • runner's knee
  • tennis elbow
  • tendonitis
  • neck and shoulder pain
  • back injuries
  • rolled ankles

BE PROACTIVE!  Take time to take care and be safe.  You only have one body, treat it with care.  Here are the tips you know and yet might just need to see again:
  •  Warm my your body and as a part of that learn the best ways to warm up for your particular sport, it isn't a one size fits all!
  • Get the proper equipment, and especially shoes for your sport and level of activity
  • Know your limits and mind them
  • Hydrate!  Drink plenty of water.  Your tissues should be like a full sponge and not a dried out one on the kitchen sink
  • Allow your body time to recover after activity
  • Seek expert attention when needed
HOME SCENAR DEVICES:  In addition, a number of our clients have the RITM SCENAR Sport D at home and use it regularly as a part of being active.  Ask us if you are interested in learning more.  619-501-3752.  Ask for Kay or Jack.

Watch and share this brief video where Julie shares what she is now able to do because of SCENAR (things she couldn't 3 years ago!).  This could be just the solution you or someone you love needs.

EnJOY these beautiful summer days!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Layers of injury start to go away with use of RITM SCENAR Sport D

Time and again we have clients like Julie Kidder tell us about how consistent use of their RITM SCENAR Sport D at home reduces their pain, and improves their mobility and life.  Listen as she shares about how the "layers of her injury" have gone away and what she was able to do for the first time in three years while she was in Boston recently!  Thank you Julie for sharing your story!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Further Functional Gains Possible with Jera Ratliff, PT On Our Team

Little did we know when we moved our offices to 4275 Executive Square, Suite 200 in La Jolla, CA that we would be settling in next door to an amazing Physical Therapist who specializes in functional manual therapy.  Meet Jera Ratliff

Jera is a 30-year practitioner of physical therapy and she has a steadfast truth she lives by - "to treat every person separately and distinctly as an individual and to provide the BEST and most comprehensive therapy available." 

Peter and Jera have spent a lot of time getting to know each other's work and are confident that collaborating will help them help their clients get the results they strive to achieve.

Jera is a graduate of the prestigious physical therapy program at The Ohio State University and yes, she is a Buckeye's fan.  She has completed thousands of hours of intense training beyond that as she earned her certification in Functional Manual Therapy® through The Institute of Physical Art (  

Jera has shared with us that it is this fully integrated approach that is the base of her treatment skills.  Teaching with the IPA to other PT's since 2001 she stays engaged with other top therapists and mentors across the country who collaborate and constantly push to achieve the next level of excellence. 

What we like about Jera is that she is a life-long learner!  In 2008 she undertook formal study with the Barral Institute ( and added the tools of advanced visceral manipulation and neuro-menigeal treatment to her skill set.  And she is currently studying treatment of the brain with Bruno Chickly, MD, DO ( 

Knowing that the body can heal itself and wanting always to provide the BEST in care available keeps her open and learning, building her skills and knowledge base and driving her dynamic therapeutic approach. Jera's clients get real solutions to healing and getting back to their lives.

We are delighted to introduce the power of SCENAR to her and to collaborate together here in La Jolla!

Jera Ratliff, PT, CFMT

Alternative Physical Therapy
4275 Executive Square, Ste. 200
La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 964-2313
FAX (858) 408-2613

Dr. Lathrop Just Released A Revolutionary Two-Volume Set on Modern Electromedicine

Over the course of a long and prolific career, Dr. Peter Lathrop has always pushed forward to understand the intersection of science, medicine, and technology.  He has always been willing to embrace new technologies like the SCENAR, even when the traditional medical establishment was slow to catch on.

 After 35 years furthering the technology development and clinical use of FDA cleared electro-therapeutic devices as a neurophysiologist in San Diego, Dr. Lathrop has compiled his knowledge and treatment protocols into a fascinating and informative two-volume set of books, Modern Electromedicine Vol 1 and Modern Electromedicine Volume 2.

Together, these two books provide a deep and revolutionary exploration of the field of electromedicine and the use of electrotherapy technology to stop pain and speed up the healing of neuromuscular injuries.  The first volume of the book focuses on the underlying principles of neurophysiology, and cell function and dysfunction.  It serves as a great foundation for anyone who is relatively new to the field of electromedicine or who would like a refresher on the fundamentals. 

Holistic practitioners who are interested in utilizing the lessons of electromedicine to affect rapid and efficient healing will find a comprehensive exploration of Dr. Lathrop's work and results in Volume 2.  In this volume, Dr. Lathrop details the implementation and techniques used in diagnosis and treatment of injuries using electrotherapy, including FDA cleared electronic medical devices like the SCENAR.

If you are a use of the SCENAR, you must pick up Modern Electromedicine, Volume Two.  Dr. Lathrop was among the first health professionals to recognize the utility of the SCENAR in the United Stats and has been successfully using it for over nine years.  Throughout that time, he has developed a reputation as a preeminent SCENAR expert, and he shared that expertise throughout these two volumes.

Together these two books can serve as a crucial resource to any practitioner who helps patients manage and eliminate pain, including chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and others.  Each volume is also filled with beautiful and striking images that can make these volumes function as great coffee table books for your practice.

Both books are now available for sale through and CreateSpace.  They can also be ordered through local bookstores, university bookstores and libraries.  By your copy of Modern Electromedicine Volume 1 and Modern Electromedicine Volume 2 today.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Welcome Joy Thompson to the The SCENAR Experts family!

We are delighted to assist Joy Thompson, HHP of San Marcos, CA as she integrates RITM SCENAR into her practice!  Here you see Jack Warren, our Community Manager, as well as Dr. Peter Lathrop with Joy at her office.  Joy just recently completed her SCENAR training from Dr. Lathrop.  She is a wonderful addition to our growing network of SCENAR therapists!

Joy has been a massage professional since 1999 and an HHP since 2002.  Her business, Joyful Hands Therapeutic Bodywork is appropriately named!  You can find her here online. 

Welcome to the SCENAR family Joy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

We Joined the Evolution at the California Chiropractic Assocation Annual Meeting

 Impactful Two Day Event in San Diego!

We at The Neuroadaptive Institute/SCENAR Experts were pleased and proud to co-sponsor Radio Jack's radio broadcast at the California Chiropractic Association's Annual Conference here in sunny San Diego this past weekend!

Thank you to the California Chiropractic Association (CCA) for co-sponsoring the broadcast.

What a wonderful opportunity to meet passionate, committed healers all pursuing more knowledge and skill to guide their patients toward well-being and optimized health.

Over the course of two days we met many chiropractors and had the pleasure of 20+ practice leaders.
All of the interviews will be available for listening on a select page at  As well, each chiropractor will be able to use their interviews in their marketing efforts to educate the public about chiropractic and their practice.

We announced the recent publication of our founder's new textbooks, Modern Electromedicine Vol 1 & 2 and did a drawing so several chiropractors could receive volumes of the book as a gift and momento from the conference.

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Modern Electromedicine books:
  • Dr. William and Claudette Satnick of San Diego, CA
  • Dr. Jeffrey Johnson of Walnut Creek, CA

For more information on the impact the California Chiropractic Association is having in healthcare and wellness visit

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Welcome Dr. Jacquie McAndrew to The SCENAR Experts family!

Dr. Peter Lathrop and the whole team at The Neuroadaptive Institute and The SCENAR Experts are delighted to welcome Dr. Jacquie McAndrew and her awesome staff (pictured here Amber and Carol) to the RITM SCENAR family!  Here you see them gathered with "Stella" at one of their training sessions.  You can learn about Dr. McAndrew and SCENAR at the South San Diego Veterinary Hospital.

We loved what Dr. McAndrew shared a week after this training: "We are using the SCENAR - one dog that has problems in both rear legs went home after one treatment and ran normally for the first time in years.  The owner purchased a package of treatments."   Happy dogs - happy owners!

Monday, May 11, 2015

SCENAR can help your Plantar Fasciitis

We had a client show up with plantar fasciitis this past week. We see cases like his often enough it  had me think to share some information with all of you.  Now, if you are in a "4 seasons" part of the country or the world for that matter, plantar fasciitis is a common spring and summer injury as many people get out running, playing soccer, taking on tennis etc. with the beautiful change in the weather.

Here in San Diego this is less likely.  We see plantar fasciitis year around.  I thought I would write about it now though as spring and summer ARE in full swing now for lots of you and it is more likely to happen now.

So what is plantar fasciitis?  In the image you can see the plantar fascia. It is a tough band of tissue, a ligament, that connects your heel bone to your toes. It is what supports the arch of your foot.  If it gets strained or overused it gets weak and irritated.  This irritation causes inflammation and creates a burning or sharp kind of pain and the pain worsens with walking.  You might really notice it as you take your first steps in the morning.  
If your plantar fascia gets repeatedly strained it can get tiny tears in it creating more of a problem. Sometimes other tendons and muscles of the foot and calf where they insert on your heal become involved as well.  

 Causes or contributing factors

Ask yourself these questions to see if you think what you have going on is plantar fasciitis:
  • Do you stand, walk or run for long periods, perhaps on a hard surface?
  • Get to know your feet.  Do you have high arches or flat feet?  Do your feet roll inward more than normal when you walk?
  • Are you overweight and putting excess pressure on the ligament?
  • Take a look at your shoes.  Are they properly supporting your foot and your arch?  Do they fit well?  Have they become worn and loss support?
  • Exam the rest, your calves, achilles tendon etc.  Are they tight?

What to do if you suspect it is plantar fasciitis:

  • Call your doctor if you suspect stress fractures - he/she may order an x-ray if they agree
  • Look at the likely CAUSE and correct or make changes to reduce/eliminate the cause, i.e. wear shoes with the correct arch support and shock absorption, create and execute on a weight reduction plan, begin a gentle stretching program
  • To reduce the pain and inflammation most people and websites will tell you that you can of course ice, and use over the counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory meds. 

Time to heal

They will also tell you that with plantar fasciitis "most people will recover in about a year" ( or "most people who have plantar fasciitis recover with conservative treatments in just a few months" (

We know it need not take that long.  This is where SCENAR therapy comes in.  SCENAR activates your body's own analgesic (pain reducing) and anti-inflammatory processes to accelerate recovery. With consistent SCENAR use your issue may be resolved in as little as 4-6 weeks or sooner.

Call to schedule your complimentary consultation today.  

Call 619-501-3752.  Our team will address your underlying cause as well as educate you about the power of SCENAR.  SCENAR treatments are available in the office and/or you may determine that owning your own affordable home unit SCENAR is right for you.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Welcome Chrystie Babcock to The SCENAR Experts family!

We are delighted to assist Chrystie Babcock and Dr. Ken Greenberg of La Mesa, CA as they integrate RITM SCENAR into their practice!  Chiropractic, massage and SCENAR fit like a glove together.

Chrystie first experienced SCENAR for herself and given her results decided the best and logical thing was to offer it to clients as well! Welcome to the RITM SCENAR family!

Friday, April 24, 2015

How long will it take for my pain to go away with SCENAR?

We get this along with other similar questions a lot  - "How long will this take?  How many treatments will I need? How often will I need SCENAR treatments? And of course, will it really work because nothing else has?"

We can honestly say every situation is different.  I know you hear that and yet you think there must be a formula.  There isn't really.  It does depend on whether or not your painful condition is fresh or "acute" or if it is an old, chronic, unresolved injury or condition you have had for years.

 How your body reacts to injury

 If it is something you have had for a long time it can be useful to know that your body reacts to an injury in two major ways:
  1. It relates to it as a neurophysiologic HABIT, meaning it accepts that the injury will be with it until further notice and it take steps to accommodate to it.  Some of this is done by adding scar tissue for self protection, thereby putting a strain on the surrounding tissue.  This all produces more pain and reduced range of motion in that area of your body.
  2. Not only that, but the cells in their computerized self regulation mode, creates a MEMORY of the current condition.  The cells see the body as what it is and recreate it every minute, every hour, every week, every moth, and every year just as it is now.  This is done at the cellular level because the cell only know what it is at the present moment and reproduces itself accordingly.  Yes, the cells have memory and all they know is to produce the memory they have.  Until the memory is changed as a result of changing the cell function from disease to health, it will reproduce the same system time after time after time.

So, it can take time to fully resolve an issue that has been going on for years.

Lena's story

Lena is a great example of this of type of chronic pain problem. Lena described her "pain" much like having "ropes" tightly stretched, especially around the right hip joint, right lower back area, turning around the midriff, and reaching up around the spine up toward her shoulders.

She said "my mobility was totally hampered by these tight "ropes".  I can't swing my right leg to a step of what was normal length to me and I walk hunched over forwards."  She proceeds to share, "So the ropes, or hardened muscles/membranes/nerves or whatever they may be, are lacking elasticity and they are painful.  I try to break up the hard stuff stretching, turning and twisting, but there is a painful backlash some time after stretching.  It feels like cramps.  When I'm not moving, the hardened stuff gets painful, too, for example when sleeping at night."

Lena was visiting family in San Diego from Tokyo and she was encouraged to come in to see us.  Imagine going to see health practitioners while you are on holiday when this is something you have suffered with for years - just part of your day to day.  It was so awesome she listened to those who loved her.

Lena had a few SCENAR treatments with us and then she and her husband were taught how to use the home unit RITM SCENAR they bought from us to take home.

After 6 weeks of using the SCENAR she says "There is definitely improvement.  I can now do things I couldn't do before, like standing on my left foot while putting on the sock on the right one, and walking is a whole lot easier."  She said the "ropes" are lengthening and flattening out, loosening up and getting less painful.  "Now I can stand up straighter, walk with much more ease, and get better sleep at night."

She said "there is more to do" and she is so encouraged to keep break up all of the hard stuff (adhesions) and restore flexibility to her whole hip and lower back area so she can "fully squat" easily.

At this stage we encouraged her to continue the protocols we gave her and find a corrective exercise specialist to assist her in movement and exercise as she continues to progress.

So, back to "how long will it take?"  In Lena's mind we know she doesn't mind at all the time it is taking as she continues to progress - one day and one step at a time thanks to SCENAR.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Pain Relief with SCENAR Just Ahead

About one third of the people in the United States experience chronic pain despite the proliferation of pain clinics across the land.  This number is more than the total affected by heart disease, cancer and diabetes combined.

A significant part of the problem is the significant gaps in knowledge about pain and pain treatments both with practitioners as well as the public.   Many people go see their primary-care doctor.   In a survey conducted by Consumer Reports Health Rating Center of more than 14,000 subscribers a surprising number of people said they were disappointed with what the doctor could do to help.  Not surprising given the bias toward a pharmaceutical solution in this country which leads to the over prescribing of pain medications. 

Chronic pain wouldn't be the problem it is in this country if pain medications worked at relieving the underlying problem generating the pain.  

If you have experienced chronic pain you have likely tried, through trial and error, a number of different solutions - pain meds (both prescription and over the counter), physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc.  Some times you get relief.  If you are still in chronic pain it wasn't a permanent solution.

When people find us or we find them in pain they say they "have tried everything."   We say, "have you used the SCENAR?"  They say no.  We say, "well then you haven't tried everything then."


RITM SCENAR devices are reflex biofeedback devices.  Click through to see the RITMSCENAR Pro Plus and the RITMSCENAR Sport D devices.  They are the two devices most commonly used.  The devices communicate through the neural pathways to the brain and the brain is responding.  The SCENAR device then interprets the brain's response and modifies its next impulse back to the brain to work at restoring balance to the body.  The brain sends a signal back to the device and so on until equilibrium is achieved.

We liken it to a conversation or "dialogue" between the device and the body.  As this dialogue is occurring the brain tells the nervous system to release neuropeptides (the key biochemicals your body uses to heal itself - your body's internal pharmacy if you will).

Who Could Benefit from RITM SCENAR?

  • Anyone who is looking for relief from pain, either new or lingering and chronic.  It doesn't matter that you have tried other things.  You have found this post and a new solution that may be just right for you.  If you want to get out of pain and accelerate your healing have a SCENAR session and evaluate it for yourself.  You will receive 50% off your first visit.
  • If you are a professional health care practitioner you could benefit your patients, practice members and your business by adding this drug free modality to your set of solutions.  Ask us how.
We are here to serve you.  Reach out and learn more from the experts!  You CAN get the results many others have gotten.  Take action today.

Only original SCENAR registered by FDA - RITM SCENAR

The internet highway is littered with information about SCENAR.  Whether you are a professional practitioner selecting a SCENAR for use in your practice or a consumer seeking one for home use please understand the importance of device registration in your country. 

The RITMSCENAR line is the only original SCENAR line FDA cleared in the U.S.   Protecting the public against products illegally marketed without FDA clearance is an important part of the mission of the FDA. 

Here at The SCENAR Experts, we have years of experience in the medical device industry - long before becoming distributors of the RITMSCENAR line of products.  We understand the importance of the medical device regulations. 

We receive calls inquiring about devices like the Cosmodic, asking us to compare it to the RITMSCENAR.  In the U.S. this is a conversation that should not be happening.  We tell all practitioners the Cosmodic is not registered in the U.S. and if they want to be compliant with their licensing body as well as insurance (if they are billing payers) they will not buy and use this device in their practice.  The technical and outcomes comparison conversation can't be had either as there is no data.

We are proud to share RITMSCENAR with practitioners and consumers in the United States.  It is the only FDA cleared original SCENAR.  The Pro Plus and Pro devices are FDA cleared for practitioners.  Only the Pro Plus is currently available in inventory.  The Pro inventory is gone - making way for the introduction of the new Super Pro once this exciting new model has its FDA clearance. 

The Sport D and Sport are cleared and available for consumers.  RITM OKB ZAO has developed the new Home Expert for home users.  This device is NOT FDA cleared for sales yet.  We will alert you when it is.  We are excited about its new features.

When it comes to seeking all the benefits of SCENAR partner with us, the U.S. experienced medical device industry professionals.