- You were told your painful injury/condition is permanent or won't get better!
- THEY say it's "chronic pain" and "live with it"
- You've tried standard "pain management" and it isn't working for you
- Same old, same old doesn't work for you. YOU search for new solutions
- SCENAR activates your body's known pain relieving, self repair mechanisms
- You consistently take drugs to make or dull your pain
- Your pain/pain meds are affecting your concentration, memory, and critical thinking abilities
- Pain meds may be causing or contributing to constipation, sleep-disorder breathing, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysregulation, and overdose (1)
- Chronic pain has damaging efffects on the brain (2)
- Use of SCENAR may likely reduce or eliminate your need for pain meds
- SCENAR has no side effects and is non-addictive
- SCENAR has been show to be more effective than pain meds in back pain multicenter study (3)
- SCENAR gets at the underlying cause of the pain unlike pain meds or TENS
- Pain lowers your motivation to move and exercise
- Your injury is not healing "fast enough" for you, YOU want back in the game!
- Pain has caused you to lose physical functions, athletic abilities, your favorite hobbies
- You like to take action to achieve the results you desire!
- You can see a practitioner for SCNENAR sessions to accelerate relief or learn to use SCENAR at home like Julie and many others do
- SCENAR is small and portable - it fits in a purse, briefcase, tennis bag, gym bag, golf bag, any sports bag
- Pain is affecting your significant other relationship
- Pain is EXHAUSTING and robbing you of a good sleep, sex and intimacy
- Pain is affecting your connection to your kids (you know it is - no denying!)
- You WON'T let this problem get in the way of your relationships
- You are one who is on the lookout for new concepts and solutions
- One SCENAR can treat the whole family - it isn't person specific
- Pain is causing more frustration, anger, anxiety and depression in your life
- Pain is driving you into social isolation and feeling lonely
- You DESERVE a happy, pain free life!
- Pain RELIEF gets you back on the path to active life
- Pain is affecting your work performance, your productivity, your career
- SCENAR's biofeedback relates to the communications systems in your body: your brain, nervous system, hormonal system, skin and meridians and makes the work together better
- Pain relief comes with SCENAR therapy as it stimulates the body's own "internal pharmacy"
- SCENAR is cost effective - no ongoing prescription costs or monthly fees
- SCENAR helps pain associated with most conditions like: Back Pain, Arthritis, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Herniated/Bulging Discs, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Musculoskeletal/Soft Tissue Pain, Joint (shoulder, hip, knee, ankle) Pain, Neck Pain, Neuropathy, Sciatica, Spinal Cord Injury, TMJ, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Whiplash
- SCENAR relieves post-surgical pain without drugs
- BONUS REASON: Pain keeps you from playing on the beach and in the waves with us!
(1) Baldini A, Von Korff M, Lin EHB. A Review of Potential Adverse Effects of Long-Term Opioid Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide. The Primary Care Companion to CNS Disorders. 2012;14(3):PCC.11m01326. doi:10.4088/PCC.11m01326.
(2) Northwestern University. (2008, February 6). Chronic Pain Harms The Brain. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 3, 2015 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080205171755.htm
(3) Back Pain
and SCENAR – Prehospital Pain Relief. Multicenter Comparative
Study. A.V. Tarakanov, A.A. Tarakanov. A. A. Yakushev, I.D.
Hatisova. Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don, State
Healthcare Institution ‘City hospital № 21’, Saint-Petersburg. 2011.
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