Saturday, February 28, 2015

Pain Relief with SCENAR Just Ahead

About one third of the people in the United States experience chronic pain despite the proliferation of pain clinics across the land.  This number is more than the total affected by heart disease, cancer and diabetes combined.

A significant part of the problem is the significant gaps in knowledge about pain and pain treatments both with practitioners as well as the public.   Many people go see their primary-care doctor.   In a survey conducted by Consumer Reports Health Rating Center of more than 14,000 subscribers a surprising number of people said they were disappointed with what the doctor could do to help.  Not surprising given the bias toward a pharmaceutical solution in this country which leads to the over prescribing of pain medications. 

Chronic pain wouldn't be the problem it is in this country if pain medications worked at relieving the underlying problem generating the pain.  

If you have experienced chronic pain you have likely tried, through trial and error, a number of different solutions - pain meds (both prescription and over the counter), physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc.  Some times you get relief.  If you are still in chronic pain it wasn't a permanent solution.

When people find us or we find them in pain they say they "have tried everything."   We say, "have you used the SCENAR?"  They say no.  We say, "well then you haven't tried everything then."


RITM SCENAR devices are reflex biofeedback devices.  Click through to see the RITMSCENAR Pro Plus and the RITMSCENAR Sport D devices.  They are the two devices most commonly used.  The devices communicate through the neural pathways to the brain and the brain is responding.  The SCENAR device then interprets the brain's response and modifies its next impulse back to the brain to work at restoring balance to the body.  The brain sends a signal back to the device and so on until equilibrium is achieved.

We liken it to a conversation or "dialogue" between the device and the body.  As this dialogue is occurring the brain tells the nervous system to release neuropeptides (the key biochemicals your body uses to heal itself - your body's internal pharmacy if you will).

Who Could Benefit from RITM SCENAR?

  • Anyone who is looking for relief from pain, either new or lingering and chronic.  It doesn't matter that you have tried other things.  You have found this post and a new solution that may be just right for you.  If you want to get out of pain and accelerate your healing have a SCENAR session and evaluate it for yourself.  You will receive 50% off your first visit.
  • If you are a professional health care practitioner you could benefit your patients, practice members and your business by adding this drug free modality to your set of solutions.  Ask us how.
We are here to serve you.  Reach out and learn more from the experts!  You CAN get the results many others have gotten.  Take action today.

Only original SCENAR registered by FDA - RITM SCENAR

The internet highway is littered with information about SCENAR.  Whether you are a professional practitioner selecting a SCENAR for use in your practice or a consumer seeking one for home use please understand the importance of device registration in your country. 

The RITMSCENAR line is the only original SCENAR line FDA cleared in the U.S.   Protecting the public against products illegally marketed without FDA clearance is an important part of the mission of the FDA. 

Here at The SCENAR Experts, we have years of experience in the medical device industry - long before becoming distributors of the RITMSCENAR line of products.  We understand the importance of the medical device regulations. 

We receive calls inquiring about devices like the Cosmodic, asking us to compare it to the RITMSCENAR.  In the U.S. this is a conversation that should not be happening.  We tell all practitioners the Cosmodic is not registered in the U.S. and if they want to be compliant with their licensing body as well as insurance (if they are billing payers) they will not buy and use this device in their practice.  The technical and outcomes comparison conversation can't be had either as there is no data.

We are proud to share RITMSCENAR with practitioners and consumers in the United States.  It is the only FDA cleared original SCENAR.  The Pro Plus and Pro devices are FDA cleared for practitioners.  Only the Pro Plus is currently available in inventory.  The Pro inventory is gone - making way for the introduction of the new Super Pro once this exciting new model has its FDA clearance. 

The Sport D and Sport are cleared and available for consumers.  RITM OKB ZAO has developed the new Home Expert for home users.  This device is NOT FDA cleared for sales yet.  We will alert you when it is.  We are excited about its new features.

When it comes to seeking all the benefits of SCENAR partner with us, the U.S. experienced medical device industry professionals.